Critical Salon

We invite you to share some of your photos and have them publicly projected and critiqued on Nov 12th, 6:30-8:30 PM A panel of your peers will provide critical commentary on everything displayed with the goal of helping all budding photographers recognize their strongest images and the reasons for that strength. Bring a maximum of 5 …

New Scanner

Our new scanner, Plustek OpticFilm 120, arrived yesterday! It is now installed and ready to be used. Please visit our digital curator’s hour on Wednesdays or email us at if you have any questions.

Photography Talk by Aubie Golombek

The Photographic Representation of Atmospheric Perspective in the Silver-Chloride Contact Print The talk will be held in the NSR from 1:30-3:30 PM on May 6th. It will explore the optical properties of atmospheric perspective as a continuation of Aubie’s previous talk. “The first part of the lecture will consist of my reading the brilliant sub-chapter …