Facilities and Curator Hours

Main Darkroom

Our Darkroom is located on the lower level, beside the elevator. You have to visit the Hart House Information Hub to check in as a user and sign out a key to the Darkroom. 

Reserve the Darkroom here!

One-Person Darkrooms

In addition to the main darkroom, we now offer smaller, one-person darkroom rooms in the basement. These are perfect for individuals printing or developing on their own! Each room contains materials for developing and printing, and is lightproof.

Reserve the Yellow Darkroom here!

Reserve the Green Darkroom here!

New to darkroom techniques and need orientation? Visit one of our Darkroom Curators during their hours.

Darkroom Curators

Darkroom Curators are available for orientation, tours, and questions:

Aymeric – Mondays, 12-1 pm
Tanmay – Tuesdays, 5-6 pm
Elnaz – Saturdays, 11 am-12 pm

The darkroom team can be reached at darkroom@harthousecameraclub.ca.

Digital Suite

Our Digital Suite is in the Reading Room on the main floor, and you have to visit the Hart House Information Hub to check in as a user. They will give you a password for the computer and a container with supplies if you use the scanner.

Reserve the Digital Suite here!

Digital Suite Curators

New to film scanning techniques and need orientation? Visit one of our Digital Suite Curators during their hours.

Tanmay – Tuesday, 6-7 pm

Send a note to digital@harthousecameraclub.ca with any questions about the Digital Suite.