On the eve of his retrospective, “Sixty Years and Counting,” U of T alumnus and amateur photographer Art Chow describes how his unorthodox creativity and drive for excellence can be traced back to the Hart House Camera Club and its annual competition.

Event Details
Sixty Years and Counting will have a zoom launch on Wednesday, December 15, 2021
Link to Register: https://recreation.utoronto.ca/Program/GetProgramDetails?courseId=a05f6fc0-cec4-41b5-a229-9e4752e4b877&semesterId=0ceb5a30-42f1-4069-a97b-5e015b379e14
About Art Chow
Art Chow had his first photograph accepted into the Hart House Camera Club annual Exhibition of Photography in 1961. Since that time, Art has had over 500 photos accepted into this exhibition and he has been awarded one of the top prizes no fewer than 71 times, the last time being as recently as 2020.
Today, 85-year-old Chow, based in Winnipeg and retired from the University of Manitoba’s Faculty of Engineering, has not skipped a beat. Remarkably, he has been participating in the Hart House Camera Club annual exhibition for over 60 years. Chow sees how this feedback and refinement, this kind of artistic reciprocity that drove him to excellence, led to his winning the Camera Club’s Karsh Award. Chow won the Karsh Award no less than 18 times.
He emphasizes the archival value of printed images, which the Camera Club also prizes, saying, “Pictures that are printed last a long time.” A life-long learner, he has embraced digital photography and hopes to learn Photoshop soon.